Prices extended gains

Prices increased again significantly yesterday in most European gas markets, still supported by strong residential demand and relatively weak supply amid very bullish Asian power and gas markets. JKM spot prices rose to €90.824/MWh yesterday, +14.60% day-on-day, on the back of ongoing exceptional spot baseload power prices on the Japan Electric Power Exchange. On the…

Saudi’s gift to US producers?

Brent prompt futures continued to hike, at 57$/b on early Wednesday as the API data showed a bigger than expected crude inventory draw in the US. Both gasoline and distillate stocks grew amid falling US demand and growing refining supply. In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, the EIA still predicts brent price to average 53$/b…

Financial markets caught between hopes of stronger fiscal stimulus in the US and prolonged lockdown in Europe

Markets are pausing, weighing prospects of stronger fiscal stimulus in the US against the acceleration of the spread of the pandemic, especially in Europe, where lockdown measures are being reinforced and extended. Some Fed officials also calmed down talks about a reduction in bond purchases as soon as this year, therefore helping to stop both…

Power far curve prices retreated on weaker emissions

The European power spot prices were mixed yesterday, up in Belgium and the Netherlands, but down in Germany and France on forecasts of stronger renewable production and lower power demand. The below-average temperatures continued to support the French power consumption which rose by 1.09GW from Friday to 80.12GW on average. The warming weather expected today…

Asian power and gas prices continue their rally

Prices increased again yesterday in most European gas markets, still supported by strong demand due to freezing temperatures and relatively weak supply. In Asia, JKM spot prices rose to €79.255/MWh yesterday, +32.17% day-on-day, strongly helped by exceptional spot baseload power prices: €1220/MWh yesterday on the Japan Electric Power Exchange (compared to €1184/MWh on Friday). As…

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