EnergyScan Podcasts

September 24, 2024

Macro & Oil Report : Lower interest rates for better or worse?

Macro & Oil Report: Lower interest rates for better or worse? Macro & Oil #121 Rates fall sharply in the US, but caution in the eurozone and China. Olivier Gasnier discusses the different strategies of central banks in the latest EnergyScan podcast. Listen here Share this news : Check our…
September 17, 2024

Macro & Oil Report : Waiting for the fed

Macro & Oil Report: Waiting for the Fed Macro & Oil #120 The Fed is about to embark on its monetary easing cycle. That’s the topic addressed by Olivier Gasnier in the latest EnergyScan podcast. Listen here Share this news : Check our latest post September 17, 2024 Macro &…
September 10, 2024

Macro & Oil Report : Markets on a knife edge

Macro & Oil Report: Markets on a knife edge Macro & Oil #119 In the latest EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us that the sharp fall in equity markets and oil prices reflects major concerns about global growth and growing impatience with central banks, which are embarking on a new…
September 3, 2024

Macro & Oil Report: Rate cuts are coming

Macro & Oil Report: Rate cuts are coming Macro & Oil #117 In the latest EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us that The Fed is preparing to cut rates in September, and the ECB is likely to follow suit. The Fed’s goal is now to avoid causing an excessive slowdown…
July 5, 2024

Gas & Power Report: Energy markets in a wait-and-see mood

Gas & Power Report: Energy markets in a wait-and-see mood Gas & Power #112 In this week’s Gas and Power podcast, Julien Hoarau comes back on the main moves of the past few weeks across gas and power markets. Spot power prices continue to show strong volatility in Europe amid…
June 25, 2024

Macro & Oil Report: The noose is tightening on the eurozone

Macro & Oil Report: The noose is tightening on the eurozone Macro & Oil #110 With the economic recovery barely underway but already running out of steam, a simmering political crisis and a central bank forced to wait for the Fed to signal a rate cut, the outlook for the…
May 30, 2024

Gas supply concerns are back to fore, French spot power prices sink again

Gas & Power Report: Gas supply concerns are back to fore, French spot power prices sink again Gas & Power #106 In this week’s Gas and Power podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses about the recent increase in wholesale gas prices in Europe following news of a potential cut in remaining Russian…
May 21, 2024

US economy: what we see and what we want to see

Macro & Oil Report: US economy: what we see and what we want to see Macro & Oil #105 In the latest EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us that the US economic slowdown seems to be materialising faster than disinflation, rather than the reverse, as the US stock markets seem…
March 4, 2024

Markets continue to adjust to the new interest rate scenario

A deceptive trend reversal in rates Macro & Oil #94 In the latest EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier talks about misleading signals. According to him, The drop in the manufacturing ISM index does not call into question the temporary nature of the US slowdown, and the too-high euro area core inflation…
February 12, 2024

Markets continue to adjust to the new interest rate scenario

Markets continue to adjust to the new interest rate scenario Macro & Oil #90 Rates continue to rise as we await January’s US inflation figures tells us Olivier Gasnier in the latest EnergyScan podcast. Another key week ahead… Listen here Share this news : Check our latest post January 17, 2024 Gas…
February 6, 2024

EMD reform – episode 1 – the key features

EMD reform – episode 1 – the key features  Special Episode #1 This week, we kick off our talks on regulation and market design with a series of three podcasts dedicated to the EU’s Electricity Market Design reform. In this first episode, Zélie Gautier talks about the main features of…
February 5, 2024

Prospects for a rate cut in the US seriously shaken

Prospects for a rate cut in the US seriously shaken Macro & Oil #89 There are three main lessons to be learned from the past week tells us Olivier Gasnier in the latest EnergyScan podcast: 1) the Fed’s rate cut looks increasingly doubtful; 2) the US/eurozone growth gap is widening; 3)…
January 22, 2024

Macro & Oil Report: The comeback of “Higher for longer”?

The comeback of “Higher for longer”? Macro & Oil #86 The prospect of a rapid rate cut by central banks is receding in the US and Europe, but with radically different effects on the markets, reflecting very contrasting economic situations tells us Olivier Gasnier in the latest EnergyScan podcast.  Listen…
January 15, 2024

Markets more than ever awaiting Fed rate cuts

Markets more than ever awaiting Fed rate cuts Macro & Oil #84 The bias with which the markets reacted to the various US price statistics says a lot about their dependence on rate cuts, says Olivier Gasnier in the latest EnergyScan podcast.  Listen here Share this news : Check our…
January 8, 2024

Markets full of doubts

Markets full of doubts Macro & Oil #83 The euphoria of late 2023 has given way to doubts: what if the Fed does not cut rates as much as hoped in 2024? In the latest EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier looks back on a rather gloomy start to the year on the markets.…
November 30, 2023

Bears in charge of energy prices in Europe

Bears in charge of energy prices in Europe Gas & Power #79 In this week’s Gas and Power podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses about the drop in wholesale energy prices in Europe despite the onset of the first cold winter weather episode. Is this bearish trend backed by fundamentals and is…
November 27, 2023


Hesitation Macro & Oil #78 In the latest EnergyScan podcast on Macro & Oil, Olivier Gasnier explains that the markets are optimistic about a possible US soft landing, while business sentiment seems to stabilise in Europe. But the indicators are mixed and the Chinese property crisis is back in the spotlight.…
November 23, 2023

Energy prices still find resistance on the downside in Europe

Energy prices still find resistance on the downside in Europe Gas & Power #77 In this week’s Gas and Power podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses about the slowly decreasing risk premium in energy prices in Europe despite a comfortable supply/demand balance in the short term and about recent developments on the…
November 21, 2023

The perfect scenario?

The perfect scenario? Macro & Oil Podcast #76 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier explains that the ideal scenario of disinflation and soft landing seems to be taking shape, but that the risks of things not going according to plan have not disappeared.  Listen…
May 17, 2023

Energy prices remain under bearish pressure in Europe

Gas & Power Podcast #45 In this week’s Gas & Power podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses about the reduction of the contango on the EU as curve and the further drop in spot gas and power prices amid weak energy demand and comfortable gas stock levels in Europe. Listen here Share…
May 15, 2023

The rebound in the dollar exacerbates the fall in the oil price

Macro & Oil Podcast #44 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier explains why the dollar has just rebounded to its highest level in two months as the US economy sends worrying signals and the Fed may have completed its rate hike. The dollar…
May 10, 2023

Gas prices continue to ease in Europe

Gas & Power Podcast #43 In this weekly podcast for Gas & Power, we discuss about the continuation of the bearish trend in European gas prices as well as the volatility in power prices following the confirmation of EDF’s nuclear production target for 2023. Listen here Share this news :…
May 9, 2023

Fed & ECB: similar decisions, different outlook

Macro & Oil Podcast #42 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier looks back at the rate hike announced by the Fed and ECB last week. Behind the identical decisions (25bp rate hikes), we can see a rather different discourse reflecting uncertainty about the…
April 25, 2023

“But” is the key word

Macro & Oil Podcast #41 There were few marked variations in the markets last week, with the notable exception of the decline in oil prices, which is mainly explained by a rise in fears of recession. However, Olivier Gasnier tells us that the situation is far from clear, as the…
April 19, 2023

Muted demand and comfortable stocks to weigh on energy prices

Gas & Power Podcast #40 In this week’s podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses about recent trends in wholesale energy markets, with muted demand, global macroeconomic factors, and maintenance programs affecting prices. A stable to bearish sentiment prevails globally. Listen here Share this news : Check our latest post January 23, 2023…
April 17, 2023

Already less growth but still too much inflation

Macro & Oil Podcast #39 Despite the recovery in China, the IMF is expressing fears about global growth and the Fed is raising the prospect of a “mild recession”. But in this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us that central banks are probably…
April 12, 2023

Energy markets looking for a direction after the Easter break

Gas & Power Podcast #38 In this week’s podcast, Julien Hoarau discusses the recent decline in global coal prices due to weak demand and the significant increase in the risk premium for French power prices amid concerns over thermal cracks and stress corrosion issues at French nuclear plants. Listen here…
April 11, 2023

Increasing signs the US economy is sliding into recession

Macro & Oil Podcast #37 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier talks about the accumulation of economic indicators suggesting that the US economy is sliding into recession. Does this mean that central bank rate hikes are over? For the Fed, that moment is…
April 6, 2023

Short lived spike on energy markets after OPEC cutting quotas announcement

Gas & Power Podcast #36 In this week’s Gas & Power report EnergyScan podcast, Julien Hoarau tells us about how the OPEC announcement to cut production quotas triggered a short lived spike through Sunday to Tuesday, on which gains were mostly erased. Risk premium on Q1 2024 French baseload continues…
April 3, 2023

The threat of a banking crisis is receding. OPEC revives inflation fears

Macro & Oil Podcast #35 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us about how the banking crisis seems to have had less of an effect than what was initially forecasted and how Central Banks are therefore refocusing on managing inflation throughout the…
March 30, 2023

Rising risk premium for French power prices

Gas & Power Podcast #34 In this week’s Gas & Power EnergyScan podcast, Julien Hoarau tells us about relatively calm power markets though with a slight bullish upturn most likely driven by the rise of French Cal’24 prices. Fundamentals for this include the ongoing strikes in France against the polemical…
March 27, 2023

Between inflation and banking crisis

Macro & Oil Podcast #33 In this week’s Macro & Oil EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us about the two opposite trends sweeping the Global Economy at the moment : loss of confidence due to the banking crisis and fears of recession? Or economies doing well and therefore still enough…
March 23, 2023

Mixed energy prices amidst a bustling environment

Gas & Power Podcast #32 In this weekly Gas & Power report, Julien Hoarau tells us about French nuclear availability and issues EDF encounters, impact of French strikes on central western power markets, and the consequences of the current banking crisis. European gas prices are volatile, with this deteriorating macro-economic…
March 20, 2023

Monetary tightening leads to a major banking crisis

Macro & Oil Podcast #31 In this week’s Macro & Oil report of the EnergyScan podcast, Olivier Gasnier tells us about the Silicon Valley Bank debacle and its repercussions on the American financial system. He also explains how this has affected Europe and details the recent Credit Suisse buyout by…
March 14, 2023

Short-lived price spike in European energy markets

Gas & Power Podcast #30 In this week’s Gas & Power report, Julien Hoarau tells us about the short spike lives spike in prices of European  gas and power at the end of last week as well as the consequences of the recent news of an issue in one of…
March 7, 2023

Unexpectedly high inflation rate in Eurozone

Macro & Oil Podcast #28 In this week’s Macro & Oil energyscan podcast, Olivier Gasnier talks about how inflation is up in the Eurozone which is bound to mean higher rates and for longer time. The trends are less alarming in the US where it seems it is only job…
February 27, 2023

Rates are going up, up, up…

Macro & Oil Podcast #27 In this Macro & Oil energyscan podcast, Olivier Gasnier talks about the declines in the equity market for the third week in a row, surely due to monetary policy not functioning as well as expected, as inflation is still high and PMIs are on the…
February 20, 2023

Global fears of inflation back on the rise

Macro & Oil Podcast #25 The publication of much higher than expected US inflation numbers last week prompted the market to re-evaluate the efficiency of monetary policy, and thus fear longer and higher rate hikes. These fears have also made their way to Japan, England and the EU, where next…
February 15, 2023

European energy markets still in wait-and-see mode

Gas & Power Podcast #24 In this episode of the weekly EnergyScan podcast about the Gas&Power markets, Julien Hoarau tells us about how gas and power prices are trading rangebound mode and that is, despite moving fundamentals. Indeed, weather is volatile with forecasts predicting milder weather this week and a…
February 13, 2023

Markets resolve to consider much less favourable scenarios

Macro & Oil Podcast #23 In this episode of the weekly EnergyScan podcast about the Macro & Oil market, Olivier Gasnier tells us about the movements in market sentiment: spirits were very high last week after the Fed announced a diminution of rate hikes, but are back down now due…
February 9, 2023

European Energy prices in rangebound trading mode

Gas & Power Podcast #22 Julien Hoarau tells us about the relatively calm week on gas and power markets. Gas and Power prices are trading rangebound mode, which is to say within a certain range, aka. stable. Next week is expected to bring milder weather which is bringing out bearish…
February 6, 2023

More questions than answers after an eventful week

Macro & Oil Podcast #21 In this macro and oil report, Olivier Gasnier gives us important insight on the eventful last week and what one sould retain of the Fed, BoE and ECB meetings. He tells us how the economy is is adjusting to rate hikes and what that means…

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