Power prices soared on bullish gas market while EUAs took a breath

The European power spot prices observed limited changes yesterday as hefty wind production kept most prices under the clean coal costs while the French followed once again a different path and slightly increased, buoyed by higher clean gas costs which offset the forecasts of weaker power demand. The day-ahead prices averaged 174.80€/MWh in Germany, France,…

Oil stable as market receives mixed signals

Oil trade sideways on Tuesday: NYMEX WTI front month went +0.4% up to end the trading session at $106.13/b. ICE Brent front month closed stable, losing $0.06/b to $107.45/b. The trading session summarized the recent mixed prices moves. The gloomy economic situation (made of inflation, hawkish policy at the Fed and the ECB, the war in…

Prices up after Russian flows through the second entry point in Ukraine dropped

Supported by rising concerns on Russian supply, European gas prices were up overall yesterday, in a context of persistent decorrelation between day-ahead and month-ahead prices (see the Gas & Coal Weekly Report published yesterday). Indeed, Russian flows through Ukraine at the Velke Kapusany entry point dropped again yesterday (averaging 58 mm cm/day, compared to 67 mm cm/day…

Industrial activity plunged in March in the euro area

Financial markets were still dominated by pessimism yesterday, as evidenced by the sharp rise in the US dollar, with the exchange rate against the euro plunging to 1.0354, close to the January 2017 low. The trend seems to have reversed with a new interview with the Fed Chairman. It seems to be a replay of last week’s scene,…

Mixed power prices in Europe, strong volatility in the EUA market

Power prices in Europe continued to diverge on Wednesday amid a volatile session for EUA prices and opposing trends for gas and coal prices. Warm river concerns supported Q3-22 prices in France while lingering dry weather widened further the Italian premium compared to France for June delivery. Falling wind power generation as well as news…

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