Busy week ahead on gas markets

Gas & Power Podcast #20 In this gas and power report, Julien Hoarau tells us about the upcoming cold temperatures, how they’ll affect gas fundamentals and what the fall of energy prices in Europe means for demand destruction. Listen here Share this news : Check our latest post December 16, 2022 What happened to gas…

Busy week ahead

Macro & Oil Podcast #19 In this macro & oil report, Olivier Gasnier tells us about the many events on this week’s economic calendar and how markets are anticipating the Fed, BoE and ECB meetings. On the oil market, the upcoming EU embargo on oil products is promising some volatility and uncertainty as Europe fears…

What to expect for energy markets in 2023?

Special Podcast #18 Inflation, recession, supply risks, industrial energy demand, China’s economic recovery: what will be the key drivers of energy prices in 2023? Olivier Gasnier and Julien Hoarau analyze the trends and the main expectations for the coming months in this special podcast. Listen here Share this news : Check our last webinar January…

Is the peak of the energy crisis behind us?

The EnergyScan team held its quarterly webinar covering key trends and events on energy markets. In this webinar, our experts addressed the following topics, with a Q&A session at the end of each topic: Macro & Oil– What to expect for inflation and monetary policies in 2023? Will the EU and the US be hit…

Temperatures are down but optimism is still up for European energy supply

Gas & Power Podcast #17 In this  Gas & Power podcast, Julien Hoarau tells us about the fact that temperatures being lower than average in these few first week’s of January mean a slight increase in gas demand, but yet that there is no fear to have about the level of gas storage accross Europe.…

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