Mixed price evolution

European gas prices were mixed yesterday, torn between the bearish impact of lower residential gas demand and weaker Asian prices and the bullish impact of higher EUA and coal prices (which increased parity prices with coal for power generation). In Asia, system baseload spot power prices on the Japan Electric Power Exchange for delivery today were almost stable, at €67/MWh, compared to €65/MWh for delivery on Tuesday. JKM spot prices extended losses, falling to €24.650/MWh yesterday, -3.20% day-on-day.

On the pipeline supply side, Russian flows were almost stable yesterday, at 315 mm cm/day on average, compared to 316 mm cm/day on Monday, still significantly below the 371 mm cm/day on average of December 2020. Norwegian flows were slightly down, averaging 332 mm cm/day, compared to 335 mm cm/day on Monday.

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