Prices up on lower Norwegian supply

European gas prices increased again yesterday, supported by lower pipeline supply. Indeed, Norwegian flows weakened again, averaging 306 mm cm/day, compared to 313 mm cm/day on Wednesday, impacted by an additional outage, unplanned this one, at Kollsnes. Moreover, the end of the planned maintenance at the giant Troll field has been pushed back from April…

Fed’s chairman cements an aggressive monetary tightening

Jay Powell, the US central bank head, declared at a panel hosted by the IMF yesterday that a 50 basis points interest rate hike was on the table of the next Fed meeting early May, confirming the shift in tone among Fed’s governors over the past few weeks towards a more aggressive monetary policy to tackle the…

Will the shock come from supply or demand?

On Thursday, crude oil prices increased, by 1.6% to reach $ 103.79/b for the front month WTI and by 1.4% to close at $108.33/b for the Brent. Traders are still mixed between risks of supply shocks from one side with Libya unable to produce 500 kb a day, the potential ban on Russian oil import in the…

Finally some movement on the carbon market

The European power spot prices remained steady from the previous day yesterday amid mostly unchanged fundamentals, the day-ahead prices averaging 199.30€/MWh in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, -3.10€/MWh day-on-day with a strong coupling between the countries. The power curve prices extended gains along the curve and for once especially on the back end, lifted…

Oil is stable, market is waiting

Crude oil prices were sideways on Wednesday. Brent first nearby prices decreased by 0.4% to close at $106.70/b while WTI prics did not move to settle at $102.75/b at the end of the session. Volatility was low, WTI prices traded in a tight band of $100.70 – $104.16 as traders did not receive many updates on the…

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